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Need For Speed Shift

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Dolly Parton - I wonder where you are tonight

dodał: kuba
czytano: 807 razy

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Tonight my heart is sad and weary
Wonderin' if I'm wrong or right
I dream about you though you've left me
I wonder where you are tonight

The rain is cold and slowly fallin'
Upon my window pane tonight
And though you're love was even colder
I wonder where you are tonight

It's spring, the birds are gaily singing
The trees are blossoming so sweet
No other love was quite so happy
No other love was so complete

Repeat Chorus

Then came the dawn the day you left me
I tried to smile with all my might
But you could see the pain within me
It still lingers in my heart tonight

Oh, the rain is cold and slowly fallin'
Upon my window pane tonight
And though you're love is even colder
I wonder where you are tonight

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