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Need For Speed Shift

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Dokken - Nothing left to say

dodał: kuba
czytano: 783 razy

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There were days when we were closer
You were all I had
Lost a soul, but not forgotten
Had to give it back
Lost, feeling so lost
No more tears can we shed
And time slipping through our minds
Wishing I could forget
Guess there's nothing left to say
Guess there's nothing left to say
(Nothing left to say)
When there's nothing left
Memories of the days now passing
Still they come and go
Visions of a word we tried to say
We didn't know, we were
Lost, feeling so lost
No more tears can we shed
And time, slipping through our minds
Wishing I could forget
Guess there's nothing left to say
Guess there's nothing left to say
(Nothing left to say)
Guess there's nothing left to say
(Nothing left to say)
When there's nothing left
There were other days
When I believed we'd make it through
I was such a fool
For the way it used to be
Now it's time to set you free
Guess there's nothing left to say
Guess there's nothing left to say
When there's nothing left

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