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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Dogwood - Preshool days

dodał: kuba
czytano: 919 razy

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All the things I've seen couldn't prepare me
for what I was about to experience
As a little boy, growing up in a world
made for all the big kids and the big toys...
Sometimes, I'd sit around and wait, play with my toy cars
until the wheels would turn no more
then I'd think to myself... is my dads car coming home
or will this be another night
my mom, my brother and I, tucking ourselves in?

I learned my alphabet to spell dad,
how quickly dad turned to sad, in my
preschool days, and the rest of my life
My mother did the best that she could, my brother
stayed as strong as he stood, a
father figure to me, my preschool days

I remember all the times mom cried
my brother stayed strong by her side,
and I would stand and wonder why there was three
when there should be four
Maybe my dad got lost driving home
and then again it wouldn't make sense, I feel alone


So where has he been? He's running out of time
I haven't heard from him. I hope he's doing fine
Money cannot buy years of missing them
Daddy gave it up, the kids forgave him

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