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Need For Speed Shift

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Dj Tatana - Always on my mind

dodał: kuba
czytano: 845 razy

[ Pokaż znajomemu ] [ Zgło¶ błąd ]
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I spent all my love for you
It's all used up.
You took all with you
There's nothing left.
Everywhere I go I think of you
No matter what I do
You're always on my mind.

Walking down these empty streets
Where are you and now I'm feeling down
'Cause half of me has gone.
I'm feeling all these tears from you
Now that I am alone they're streaming out
How can I go on?


Finally I realize
You won't come back to me
What can I do?
When everything reminds me of you.

Everything I gave to you
You have taken it all
Oh everything I gave to you
You have taken it all.

You have taken it all
That's why you're always on my mind.


You're always on my mind.

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