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David Guetta - Can't u feel the change

dodał: adrianka-11
czytano: 944 razy

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tekst piosenki Can't u feel the change - David Guetta

Can't u feel the change

Can't You Feel The Change
aka People Oh People
People Oh People
There are mountains in our way
We got brother against brother
How will we stand on judgement day?

Oh People oh people
We gotta find a better way
If we keep fighting
If we keep dividing
Tell me where will the children play?

Can't you feel the change
Can't you feel the change
Can't you feel the change

People oh people
Hear every word I say
We come in all different colors
No one's above the other
We are all the same

People oh people
Let's put hatred to an end
In our hearts we have the answer
In our souls we have the power
Together we can make a change


Can't you see the walls tumbling down?
People can't you feel the chains breaking down?
A revolution is going down
A revolution is going down

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