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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Daniele Silvestri - Dying Again

dodał: kuba
czytano: 1160 razy

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This is not legal
And surely isn't fair
Every morning and every night
I've been tryin' to forget
And now that I was so close
So close to the end
You just pick up the phone
And everything starts again
I'm falling again I'm falling again
I'm falling again I'm falling..
Gee, I'm so frightened
Be the weakness i show
Seems like all my construction
Can be blowed out with a straw
I'm dying again I'm dying again
I'm dying again I'm dying..
Could I ever stop this pain
Will I ever live again
I don't want to be your friend
See, I'm..

Crying again I'm criyng again
I'm crying again I'm criyng..
This is not legal
And surely isn't fair
Every morning and every night
I've been tryin' to forget
But haven'tgot the strenght
To put you apart
So once in your life be a man
And leave me, 'cause already started
Dying again I'm dying again I'm dying again

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