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DMX - Prayer III

dodał: kuba
czytano: 872 razy

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Let us pray
Lord Jesus it is you, who wakes me up every day
And I am forever grateful for your love..
.. this is why I pray
You let me touch so many people, and it's all for the good
I influenced so many children, I never thought that I would
And I couldn't take credit for the love they get
because it all comes from you Lord;
I'm just the one that's givin it
And when it seems like the pressure gets to be too much
I take time out and pray, and ask that you be my crutch
Lord I am not perfect by a longshot -- I confess to you daily
But I work harder everyday, and I hope that you hear me
In my heart I mean well, but if you'll help me to grow
then what I have in my heart, will begin to show
And when I get goin, I'm not lookin back for NOTHIN
Cause I will know where I'm headed, cause I'm so tired of the sufferin
I stand before you, a weakened version of, your reflection
Beggin for direction, for my soul needs resurrection
I don't deserve what you've given me, but you never took it from me
because I am grateful, and I use it, and I do not, worship money
If what you want from me is to bring your children to you
my regret is only having one life to do it, instead of two

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