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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Cold - Rain song

dodał: kuba
czytano: 822 razy

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When it rains I don't mind
Let me stand here all night
Did she take her whole life
Let me know she's alright

And every time it rains
I feel her holding me
And everytime it rains
Are the angels crying

I'll stay strong, I'll be fine
Carry on with my life
I still stare at the sky
Pray for rain, all the time
Why'd you run? Did you hide
Why'd you leave, no good bye
When the clouds, take the sky
Does a soul, give you life?

And every time it rains
I feel her holding me
And everytime it rains
Are the angels crying
And every time it rains
I feel her holding me
And everytime it rains
All the angels cry for you

I'll never be the same
I'll never be the same
be the same
be the same
be the same

And every time it rains
I feel her holding me
And everytime it rains
Are the angels crying
And every time it rains
I feel her holding me
And everytime it rains
Are the angels crying

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