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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Britney Spears - Someday

dodał: kuba
czytano: 1117 razy

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Nothing seems to be the way
That it used to
Everything seems shallow
God give me truth
In me, and tell me somebody's watching
Over me and that is all I'm praying is that

In God's whole plan
And what he's done to me
Oh but maybe someday I will breathe
And I'll finally see
I'll see it all in my baby

Don't you run too fast my dear
Why don't you stop?
Just stop and listen to your tears
They're all you've got
It's in you
You see somebody's watching
Over you and that is all I'm praying is that

In God's whole plan
And what he does to you
Oh but maybe someday you will breathe
And you'll finally see
You'll see it all in your baby
You'll see it all in your baby

No moment will be more true
Than the moment I look at you
It's in you
You see somebody's watching
Over you and that is all I'm praying is that

In God's whole plan
And what he does to you
Oh but maybe someday you will breathe
And you'll finally see
You'll see it all in your baby
You'll see it all in your baby
You'll see it all in your baby
You'll see it all in your baby

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