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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Blue Lagoon - Do you really want to hurt me

dodał: kuba
czytano: 870 razy

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Give me time

To realise my crime

Let me love and steal Blue
I have danced
Inside your eyes
How can I be real Lagoon

Do you really want to hurt me
Do you really want to Do
Make me cry
Precious kisses
Words that burn me
Lovers never ask you why You
In my heart
The fires burning
Choose my clour
Find a star Really
Precious people always tell me
That's a step
A step too far Want

*Do you really want to hurt me
Do you really want to To
Make me cry
Do you really want to hurt me
Do you really want to Hurt
Make me cry

Words are few
I have spoken
I could waste a thousand years
Wrapped in sorrow
Words are token
Come inside/and catch my tears
You've been talking
But believe me

If it's true
You do not know
This boy loves without a reason
I'm prepared
To let you go

If it's love you want from me
Then take it away
Everything is not what you see
It's over again

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