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Need For Speed Shift

SZUKAJ tekstu piosenki w/g albumu tłumaczenia tabulatur

  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Blondie - Don't Take My Kindness For Weakness

dodał: kuba
czytano: 758 razy

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[ brak tłumaczeń ] [ brak tabulatur ]

Jungle is massive. .
So if you need a new direction in the way you think and feel
You let me know, now. I no know!
So if you need a new direction in the way you think and feel
You let me know, now. I no know I
Rock me, lady!
Tell me, baby!
Sleazy lady!
You're with me, lady!
It's easy, baby!
Tell me, lady!
You drive me crazy!
You're with me. baby!
Sleazy lady!
Don't take my kindness for weakness
When I'm on to every one of your secrets
And the way you treat a brain, I don't need this
Where everything gets fixed in the one hit
And I say that game is show biz
When I'm on to every one of your sweetness
Rock me, lady!
Tell me, baby!
Sleazy lady!
You're with me, lady!
It's easy, baby!
Tell me, lady!
You drive me crazy!
You're with me, baby!
Sleazy lady!
Don't take my kindness for weakness
When I'm into every one of your secrets
And the way you treat a brain, I don't need this
Everything is fixed in a slow kiss!
I don't need to see you standin' there
I don't need to be ware
I don't care. I don't care
I don't care...
Well, everything is fixed in the one hit
And I'll say it once again, that is show bizi
Rock me, lady!
Tell me, baby!
Sleazy lady!
You're with me, lady!
It's easy, baby!
Tell me, lady!
You drive me crazy!
You're with me, baby!
Sleazy lady!
Will you rock?
We rock.
Do you rock?
Oh, rock!
We rock.
Oh, rock...
We rock.
Don't take my kindness for weakness
When I'm on to every one of your secrets
When everything is fixed in the one hit
When I have to put up with your bullshit!
Just because I do not keep my mouth shut
Doesn't not mean I am a blood clot'!
Rock me, lady!
Tell me, baby!
Sleazy lady!
You're with me, lady!
It's easy, baby!
Tell me, lady!
You drive me crazy!
You're with me, baby!
Sleazy lady!
You're on it, you're on it, you're on it, you're on it now
It's a plant life in our one-and-only world...
It's a plant life...
I've been planted and I won't dance

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