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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Bette Midler - Color Of Roses

dodał: kuba
czytano: 1007 razy

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I held you close to me
Once in a distant dream,
Far from the shores of my fear.
I sailed on the ocean where
All I imagined could happen,
And now you are here.

It's so hard to touch
What is out of our hands,
To know and to trust
What the heart understands.

Only the ones who believe
Ever see what they dream,
Ever dream what comes true.

Life gives us magic and
Life brings us tragedy.
Everyone suffers some loss.
Still we have faith in it,
Childlike hope.
There's a reason that outweighs the cost.

And gravity throws
All these rules in our way.
And sometimes the sprit
Refuses to play.

Only the ones who believe
Ever see what they dream,
Ever dream what comes true.

And oh, love,
Turn me around in your arms.
And in this dream we share
Let us not miss one kiss.

And add my regrets
To the tears in the rain
For that's what the color
Of roses contain.

Only the ones who believe
Ever see what they dream,
Ever dream,
Ever dream what comes true.

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