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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Behemoth - The chant from the eastern lands

dodał: Vital
czytano: 692 razy

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In the forests of eternal dreaming
Old oaks lighted up by the fullmoon's light
The coldness of dungeon touches the inside of wooden maze
From the womb of mother-wolf I was born
The witches foretold in the hearts of my enemies
In the midnight wilderness I took a pledge
Quickly I fell in love with the taste of steel
For ages waiting for its denudation
The final triumph
The pure barbarity

I howl to the moon for support in my battle
The moon, symbol of purity, the essence of beauty
I damn the sun, rising again and again
In brightness of bloody light, steel holocaust
I received hails from the northern side
of snow covered Carpathians
The light breath of nightmare, as a sign
I summon the iron powers, cavalry of my brothers
From the land of armageddish fields

I am the bard of eastern lands...

I lead my brothers for death struggle
In glory of victory my armies rise
Barbarian tribes with fury of destruction
With axes reach the sky, hiding usurpator in their wings
Call the clouds, desecrating all the holiness
Hurt bodies on the snow, Pandemonium burns
This battle is a rebellion, rebirth of old traditions
Mythical hell is the paradise to the true warriors
There they attain eternity and sit high on the throne

Pagan nations become united
Mighty bards received their long awaited silence
Slavs returned to their villages and woods
Pagan frights of heavenly hell dispelled
...I opened the door to the higher than stars knowledge
And took a long walk throughout the unknown dimensions
As the sign of fullmoon, in damnation I shall rise

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