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Need For Speed Shift

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Behemoth - Sculpting the throne ov seth

dodał: Vital
czytano: 698 razy

[ Pokaż znajomemu ] [ Zgło¶ błąd ]
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Come forth!
from the void beyond the stars
from the blackened shores Thee arrive
Thou art ov gods
yet supreme above them all
Thou art mocked and blessed

speak ov me not as one
speak ov me not as none
speak ov me not at all
for I am continual

crowned and conquering child
cast aside the prophets and false gods ov Thy ways
from the outer space
when TONUAL cross NAGUAL
beyond becoming, Thou hast become...

speak ov me not as one
speak ov me not as none
speak ov me not at all
for I am continual

let me reign as a god among slaves!

spirit clad in gold
Seraphs incarnate
shake loose the shackles ov a million years
children ov Seth
blast wide the portals
unveil the raptures
ov Thy kingdom

speak ov me not as one
speak ov me not as none
speak ov me not at all
for I am continual

let me reign as a god among slaves!

Io Khepesh!
Io Nubti!
Io Akhakh!
Io Simai!

[lead: Nergal]
[lead: Seth

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