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Need For Speed Shift

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Bathory - The Return Of Darkness And Evil

dodał: dalia999
czytano: 956 razy

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A sorcery written in blood
Whispered by a Witch in the dawn
Summon the darkness pure evil and death
And gather the legions of scorn

The darkness possesses you your soul scream in vain
Tonight the Hellfire shall burn
Thunder and lightning the ancient prediction
The bells chime for Satan's Return...


It's the RETURN of the darkness and evil
It's the RETURN of the fire and flame
It's the RETURN of my master Satan
It's the RETURN of desire and pain

Sacrifice a virgin to the flames of burning Hell
Black Witch of beauty recite the words of spell
Gather masses run in circles scream for mercy cry of pain
No mercy for the blessed in Hell you all will burn in lord Satan's name

Now descend from the burning blasting sky
Holding the reigns ride the night
Satan appear in full glory and pride
The raped souls of Heaven cries

Hell and damnation

It's the RETURN of the darkness and evil
It's the RETURN of the fire and flame
It's the RETURN of my master Satan
It's the RETURN of desire and pain

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