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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Bad Religion - The Fast Life

dodał: kuba
czytano: 1029 razy

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The silent stray inertia
No burden on my back
No determinance, no ballast
No chance of looking back
It doesn't matter what's ahead
It's time I'll hit it hard
No fixing my position
No sign of retard

It's the fast life
There's nothing I can do
The fast life
Suck it in and follow through
The fast life
Just learning as I go
You might call it careless
But this fast life
Is all I've ever known

Like a wispy feather
Defying gravity
Or a rolling cobble
In the middle of the stream
Propelled by a ghost force
That never shows his face
Increase the ante
Of this perpetual pace

It's the fast life
There's nothing I can do
The fast life
Suck it in and follow through
The fast life
Just learning as I go
You might call it careless
But this fast life
Is all I've ever known

Ever since the day
I came out of the womb
My head was always bouncing
Off the walls in the room
Always scratching gravel
Covering new ground
No matter how hard they tried
They couldn't pin me down

It's just the fast life
There's nothing I can do
The fast life
Suck it in and follow through
The fast life
Just learning as I go
You might call it careless
But this fast life
Is all I've ever known
Yeah it's all I've ever known

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