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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Bad Boys Blue - Love is no crime

dodał: RikAA
czytano: 1043 razy

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When, when you're young
When your life has just begun
And you feel your world is changing
Do not be scared, don't be shy
Take your time
If you wanna know what love is
Oh, love is no crime
Life is to love, all the time
As long as the world is still alive, baby
Love is no crime
Love is for you, hold on tight
Tight to your dreams and you will see
Love is no crime
Do what you like, day and night
Do not fight
Just believe in all your feelings
Give me your hand
And you soon understand
Love comes straight from my heart
Oh, love is no crime
Life is to love, all the time
As long as the world is still alive, baby
Love is no crime
Love is for you, hold on tight
Tight to your dreams and you will see
Love is no crime
Oh, love is no crime
Life is to love, all the time
As long as the world is still alive, baby
Love is no crime
Love is for you, hold on tight
Tight to your dreams and you will see
Love is no crime
Oh, love is no crime
Life is to love, all the time
As long as the world is still alive, baby
Love is no crime
Love is for you, hold on tight

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