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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Bad Boys Blue - Deep in my emotion

dodał: RikAA
czytano: 1236 razy

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Your love is like an ocean
So deep and stormy like the sea
And we are sailing on so free
The love that means devotion
So full of life and ecstasy
The love is huge and it's meager
Deep in my emotion
Deep inside my heart I know
I want you forever
Deep in my emotion
I can never let you go, oh no no
Deep in my emotion
I'm forever close to you, ooh, ooh
Girl, love is never easy
There will be hurt and sometimes pain
But then you'll see the sun again
Girl, love is meant forever
It makes you feel you got a home
That you are no longer alone
Deep in my emotion
Deep inside my heart I know
I want you forever
Deep in my emotion
I can never let you go, oh no no
Deep in my emotion
I'm forever close to you, ooh, ooh
Deep in my emotion
Deep inside my heart I know
I want you forever
Deep in my emotion
I can never let you go, oh no no
Deep in my emotion
I'm forever close to you, ooh, ooh
Deep in my emotion
Deep inside my heart I know
Deep in my emotion
I can never let you go, oh no no
Deep in my emotion
I'm forever close to you, ooh, ooh
Deep in my emotion...

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