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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Babylon Whores - Skeleton Farm

dodał: kuba
czytano: 1149 razy

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Kissed by a snake / You will give birth to a worm / That eats into the small black hearts / Pumping poison as it turns / Eyed by a basilisk / You will get stoned / My love has serpents in her hair / She combs with a rake / And stares beyond

Oh what is life but an open grave / What is today but tomorrow´s yesterday / Hey / Pluck out the eye that offends thee / Raise hell or lower the heaven at least

Yeah it´s a skeleton farm

Look in the abyss / And it looks up on you / In snake pit balanced are the scales / All souls damned versed in the truth / Devoured by sulphur / In the belly of wind / Monsters kill monsters / Who kill monsters / In the small hearts / That smile within

Oh what is life but an open grave / What is today but tomorrow´s yesterday / Hey / Pluck out the eye that offends thee / Raise hell or lower the heaven at least

Yeah it´s a skeleton farm

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