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Need For Speed Shift

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Andromeda - The Words Unspoken

dodał: kuba
czytano: 784 razy

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There's a million things I'd like to say
But you turn your back, refuse to hear
So. I keep it inside and watch you walk away
But, the vision and the words, will not disappear
So, what is it that you fear, as you turn your face?
There is more in this world, than meets the eye;
Reality is what we chose to see and believe
There's a million things you'd like to tell
But, I think I've heard it all before
And I know I'm wrong, I know it so well
Never will I listen to you, nevermore

The feelings we've kept inside, and the tears we've denied
Always remember it's bitter taste
Remember it's token; remember the words

There's a million things I'd like to say
But you turn your back, refuse to hear
So. I keep it inside and watch you walk away
But, the vision and the words, will not disappear


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