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Anastacia - Like ice in the sunshine

dodał: kuba
czytano: 1072 razy

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Like ice in the sunshine
like ice in the sunshine
I'm melting away,
on this sunny day

Like ice in the sunshine
like ice in the sunshine
I'm melting away,
on this sunny day

1. Strophe:
When you walk along the beach,
see the boys and girls hand in hand
Relax in the midday heat
with an ice-cream in your hand

Like ice in the sunshine
like ice in the sunshine
I'm melting away,
on this sunny day

Like ice in the sunshine
like ice in the sunshine
I'm melting away,
on this sunny day

2. Strophe:
If you wanna have some fun
feeling groovy down by the sea,
lay down in the summer sun,
feel the good vibrations with me

Like ice in the sunshine
like ice in the sunshine
I'm melting away,
on this sunny day

Like ice in the sunshine
like ice in the sunshine
I'm melting away,
on this sunny day

3. Strophe
When youre in the ocean bay
see the surfers glide out of reach,
have fun on a sunny day
with an ice-cream on the beach.

Like ice in the sunshine
like ice in the sunshine
I'm melting away,
on this sunny day

Like ice in the sunshine
like ice in the sunshine
I'm melting away,
on this sunny day

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