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Need For Speed Shift

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Ana Johnsson - One more night

dodał: kuba
czytano: 792 razy

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Baby it's strange how things go down
How every circle comes around
Nobody wins, everyone pays

You and I standing here again
Thinkin' about what might have been
Ready to go our separate ways

One more night
We could have been in love
Just one more night
We should have been in love
I guess we asked more than we ever gave
But I would give the world
Baby, if I could save
What we have for one more night

Funny, I just can't get it clear
Where are we gonna go from here?
You without me, me without you

Somehow I pray the days won't end
'Cause when the darkness comes again
I don't believe I'll make it through


If we could make it right
If I could turn back time for you and me
Baby, it wouldn't have to be


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