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Need For Speed Shift

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Ana Johnsson - Every time we say goodbye

dodał: kuba
czytano: 791 razy

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Huu listen!
Do you have to go shake your head (yes or no)
Do you have to go tell me it isn't so
Do you wonder why it makes us cry every time we say goodbye
Do you ever give in to what you believe
You know I never want you to leave
Do you wonder why it Makes us cry every time we say goodbye

Catch your breath and I'll catch mine
Why does it feel like the end of the world
I've felt and I've seen and I've heard
About the power in that word
Goodbye, I know it's not forever
Goodbye, I don't understand
Why it seems so silly to cry every time we say goodbye

I don't see how you've become so far away
I'm around the new friends I have found
But you mean so much more I just can't ignore
You're the one that I adore
It's so crazy there's just not a choice
My heart beats just to hear your voice
Do you wonder why it makes us cry every time we say goodbye


Funny how when you are younger
You just giggle at a farewell kiss
I never knew it could be like this
The way you're watching from the outside
You can see what's in a soul
I guess that loving someone makes us all


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