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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Ana Johnsson - 6 Feet under

dodał: kuba
czytano: 812 razy

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You just left me six feet under ground
I'm burning at the sight of the light
I'm down here six feet under
buryed alive, with one open eye

Every time you come around
you leave me broken
What have I done wrong?
You're tearing me apart now,
without a word spoken
You've gone far to long

Now why you stroke me down?
You gave me no sign
Now why you let me drown?
Now why?

You just left me six feet under ground
I'm burning at the sight of the light
I'm down here six feet under
buryed alive, with one open eye

Every time you come around
you leave me burning
Got nothing but scars
You're tearing me apart now,
but I'm not learning
Still who you are?

Now why you stroke me down?
You gave me no sign
Now why you let me drown?
Now why?

You just left me six feet under ground
I'm burning at the sight of the light
I'm down here six feet under
buryed alive, with one open eye

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