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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Amon Amarth - Without Fear

dodał: dalia999
czytano: 741 razy

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I see
Without fear my destiny
As the raging skies begins to fade
Pouring rain
Licks my wounds as my blood flows
From my torn flesh!

As I die
I hold my sword
My only friend
And pray that Oden
Will take me home

The battle rages
But I hear only raindrops falling
Like in slow motion to the ground

Death release me
Free me from my earthly pain
Oden I ask thee please
Take me home

Without fear I die!

As I look
To the sky the heaven is lit
And Valkyries in shining armour

I rest my head
On the ground
And close my eyes
I know that Oden's sent for me
As I die

Without fear I die
I close my eyes
And die
Without fear

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