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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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Aerosmith - Crash

dodał: kuba
czytano: 1315 razy

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Sitting on a castle
On the floor with Esmorelda
Waiting for the Geezer
Captain Crunch to come around
Feeling suicidal
'Coz of certain situations
Hanging from the stairs
Too long
I think I'm coming down

It's time to crash
Losin' my mind, losin' my mind, losin' my mind
Yeah it's time to crash

Doin' tons on colon blow
Stuffing it in every hole
Miles high so am I
Watching Jimi kiss the sky
Salle diner becomes a blur
With everybody jammin'
Republicans begin to sin
The batwings start a slamming

It's time to crash
Losin' my mind, losin' my mind, losin' my mind
Maybe it's a little late but it's time to crash

You drive me crazy

Captain Billy Beemish
Put a lamb up on a rack
Thanks for coming Billy
And we hop you're coming back
The castle will be waiting
For next bangers and mash
Blanche and Marsha Reznick
Put their marmite with their hash

It's time to crash
Losin' my mind, losin' my mind, losin' my mind
Yeah it's time to crash

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