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Need For Speed Shift

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ATC - Love is blind

dodał: kuba
czytano: 746 razy

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If Love is blind
I'll find my way with you
Yeah yeah yeah

People say that you're no good for me
People say it constantly
I hear it said so much
I repeat it in my sleep, yeah
Baby I ain't just a fool for you
Maybe your no angel too
But all this talk is cheep
When I'm alone with you

If love is blind
I'll find my way with you
Oh, Cause I can't see myself
Not in love with you
If love is blind
I'll find my way with you

All the world is crazy anyway
It doesn't matter what they say
If I'm the one that's wrong
Then let it be my mistake


You wouldn't be with me tonight
If I didn't feel I was right, no
what will it matter anyhow
A hundred years from now


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