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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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AC/DC - Beating Around The Bush

dodał: kuba
czytano: 1258 razy

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Smiling face and loving eyes
But you keep on telling me all those lies
How do you expect me to believe
Honey I ain't on my knees

(Honey I ain't that naive)
Baby I got my eye on you
But you do all the things that I want you to
Stop your crying and dry your tears
I ain't that wet behind the ears
You can throw me left
And you can throw me right
The way we do this night
Beating around the bush
Wish I knew what's on your mind
Why you're being so unkind?
Remember those nights you spent alone
Talking on the telephone?
Thoughts of you go through my brain
You told me that you felt the same
You told me that you love me too (?)
Tell me girl, what's wrong with you? Beating around the bush
You're the meanest woman I've ever known
Sticks and stones won't break my bones
I know what you're looking for
You ate your cake, you want some more
I'm gonna give you just a one more change
Try to save our romance
Thing I'm gonna do
Ther est is up to you
You can chew it up
And you can spit it out
Let it all hang out
Beating around the bush

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