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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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A - Thought that it was you

dodał: RikAA
czytano: 723 razy

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I thought that it was you
The things you saw me do
They were true

Little did I know
You found me in your joy
And there was I, a little boy

My shadows they're not new
My soul's split in two
Lord, I thought that it was you

This Christmas snow that falls
Gives silence to us all, amen, amen

You know my deepest sin
You've seen me deep within
So fill me now like wind
And let the miracle begin

There's a river and you know
There's a place we used to go
That's where I throw our ashes now

I must have walked into a cave
Among these things that you must save
And there I touched the grave

You know my deepest sin
You've seen me deep within
But fill me now like wind
And let the miracle begin

You know my deepest sin
You've seen me deep within
But fill me now like wind
And let the miracle begin

Sometimes I felt so sure
When I opened up your doors
That there'd been no one there before

You know my deepest sin
You've seen me deep within
But fly, fly higher from it
Just look into my eyes

You know my deepest sin
You've seen me deep within
But fill me now like wind
And let the miracle begin

And the secrets that you say

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