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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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A - Old folks

dodał: RikAA
czytano: 703 razy

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I donot know Iam born, Iam only young
I don't have a choice, you know I'm only young
I?m getting older, I?m getting smaller
Everybody tells you, "you?ve got to walk taller"
You did a war, and now you?re poor
And like your friends, you?re gonna get it in the end
You?ve heard it all before, you can?t go on much more, it?s not like I think:

The old folks are losers, they can?t work computers
They die in December time

Can't pull it off, you put it on, don?t ever stop, it doesnot last long
The younger folks they don?t understand
Back in the day, you?re gonna get it in the end
You?ve heard it all before, you can?t go on much more, it?s not like I think:

The old folks are losers, they can?t work computers
They die in December time
Fall down for no reason, the churches are heaving
The old folks they live their life

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