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Need For Speed Shift

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A - Lying to the moon

dodał: RikAA
czytano: 694 razy

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I watch the sun going down
While I stand on sacred ground
Where once the night found us
In the twilight of our love

You said you'd mee me here
And I'm all alone
You sounded so sincere
Did you lead me on

I told the starry sky to wait for you
I told the wind to sigh like lovers do
I even told the night you were true
And you would be here soon
And now I'm lying to the moon

And so the night takes me in
Like a sympathetic friend
And sends the wind through the trees
So the willow weeps for me

The shadows fool my eyes
And I think I see you
Then they start to cry
Don't you know they believed you

I told the starry sky to wait for you
I told the wind to sigh like lovers do
I even told the night you were true
And you would be here soon
And now I'm lying to the moon

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