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Need For Speed Shift

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  TEKSTY WEDŁUG WYKONAWCÓW  [ ostatnia aktualizacja: 20:42 26.06.2023 ]

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A - Last girl

dodał: RikAA
czytano: 688 razy

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If you were the last girl on the earth with me
We could be all that we wanted to be
You'd be married to me
Yeah, you could not fool me
Just like in the Blue Lagoon
I don't know how you feel
Yeah, you'll be my Brooke Shields and,
And we can make it, yeah
Although you said you'd never,
We get on together
We've got all the time we want
You're not like the other girls
I've seen too many films that
There is a choice to be made
I just don't want you to be lonely
If you were the last girl on the earth with me
We could be all that we wanted to be
Just a quick suggestion
In answer to your question,
What happens when the stocks run low?
Depends on how I feel
You could be my next meal and
Nobody would ever know
I just don't want you to be lonely
If you were the last girl on the earth with me
We could be all that we wanted to be
It's easy to pretend
Why can't we just be friends?
But you can't make up your mind
Well [...] and take your time
I just don't want you to be lonely
And we could make it, yeah
I just don't want you to be lonely
If you were the last girl on the earth with me
We could be all that we wanted to be
If you were the last girl on the earth with me
We could be all that we wanted to be
If you were the...

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