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Need For Speed Shift

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A - House under the ground

dodał: RikAA
czytano: 991 razy

[ Pokaż znajomemu ] [ Zgło¶ błąd ]
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I'd have my house under the ground
All my friends would all come round
Laugh about the ones who got away
I wouldn't know the time of year
It's easier to tan down here
I find it funny
I laugh at people
And I don't know why
I sometimes giggle
If there's an earthquake
When good people die
I'll meet the big man
I'll do what I can
I'll suffer for my sins
Speak with a deep voice
Listen to metal
So that the good guys never win
Yeah, you should see the man
That you see on Christmas day
By six o'clock on the sixth of June it's OK...
Gather round under the sun
Make the things I've done
Make them understand
House under the ground (x4)
I'd have my house under the ground
All my friends would all come round
Laugh about the ones who got away
I wouldn't know the time of year
It's easier to tan down here
Sorry for the things I said that day
(Repeat to fade)

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